Asisa Reports 902 010 010

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Asisa Reports902 010 010

Mutual insurance members

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What information is required in the authorization request?

Authorization requests must include the following information:

  • Personal information about the mutual insurance member: Forename and Surname, card number, telephone number, email or fax


  • Benefit information: Province where the benefit will take place, registration date, identification, signature and medical seal, expected date and fulfillment centre


When can Asisa deny an authorization?

Asisa may deny an authorization, by written notification, in the following cases:

  • It lacks necessary information, in this case Asisa will contact the applicant


  • The authorization is requesting a benefit not included in the insurance of the applicant


  • The application is not done by medical prescription


Where can I request the authorization?

Authorizations may be done in person, by phone, fax or through the website and Asisa will provide the authorization to the mutual insurance member in person, by telephone, fax, email or ordinary mail.

Each authorization has an specific and unique identification number.

What benefits must be authorized in the offices of Asisa?


  • Hospitalization
  • Day Hospitalization
  • Hospital home-care unit
  • Support teams in palliative care
Diagnostic tecniques, treatments and surgery tecniques:
  • Outpatient surgery
  • Odontostomatology
  • Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy and Speech-therapy
  • Respiratory therapy: oxygen therapy, ventilo-therapy and home aerosol therapy
  • Treatments for peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis
  • Oncology, immunotherapy and chemotherapy
  • Imaging diagnostic: X-ray CT, MRI, PET-CT
  • Study and endoscopic treatment
  • Cardiology: Hemodynamic studies and treatment
  • Obstetrics: amniocentesis
  • Ophthalmology: retinography and laser treatment. Optical scanning laser tomography . Laser Polarimetry GDX . Treatment of Macular degeneration by photodynamic therapy or intravitreal antiangiogenic
  • Pain treatment unit
  • Sleep unit study and treatment
  • Extracorporeal renal lithotripsy



All level IV services corresponding to health care and Reference benefits

Where should I ask for the disposal and maternity reports?

This type of documentation is exclusively to those interesteds by the Mutualities, that is why we suggest you to go to the Provincial Delegation of your Mutual insurance company.