Asisa Reports 902 010 010

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Asisa Reports902 010 010

Mutual insurance members

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When to complain?

  • When Asisa denies any authorization contemplated in the agreement or if no response is provided.
  • When the mutual insurance member considers that Asisa is obliged to assume any cost or refund any expense previously requested and rejected.
  • When the mutual insurance member considers that Asisa is not fulfilling any of the obligations established in the agreement.

¿Where to complain?

1st instance Asisa Delegation

Claims based on:

  • Relations between the mutual insurance company and Asisa due to the fulfillment of rights and obligations in the agreement

  • The case will be studied between the mutual insurance company and Asisa, the mutual insurance member does not intervene
2nd instance Mutual Insurance Company
  • If the mutual insurance member does not agree with the response provided by Asisa, he may resubmit the case to the mutual insurance company to be studied and evaluated by a joint committee
  • The case will be studied between the mutual insurance company and Asisa, the mutual insurance member does not intervene
  • In case of disagreement with the resolution of the case, both Asisa as the mutual insurance member can appeal to the corresponding Ministry
  • Muface y Mugeju: Public Administrations.
  • Isfas: Ministry of Defence